Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Blog Post #7

     I went to look at my high school website to see if the teachers had to incorporate a link to their webpage, and they do! I went to a few of my favorite teacher's webpages and saw that they have links to their classes where they do a course outline and then a calendar, showing all of the due dates for the year. One of the teachers even uploads pictures of his classroom and events that he hosts throughout the year. All of the teacher webpages have information regarding their class and what they teach. An example can be found here!

    I will be using technology constantly in the classroom. To make sure that I am staying on tasks, as well as my students, I will be using a google calendar where I will post all of our assignments and when they are due. I will also be using Remind, to be able to send my students emails and texts to keep them up-to-date on when assignments are due and if there has been any changes to the class. Remind is also a great way for students to get in touch with me over text!
    I really liked using Canvas for Assignment 2 because it was nice having all of the instructions and what to do in one place. I thought using Canvas made it really convenient for the fact that we did not have to submit anything at the end. I really like how I can do quite anything on Canvas, all my classes are there, I can write my essays, email my teachers, and see my grades. I think I will want to use Canvas in my classroom when I become a teacher, because I think it keeps students more organized than Google Classroom.  

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