Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Blog Journal #8

      On assignment 3, we had to do a Web Design page, something I have never done before. I was nervous at first when I heard that we were going to do this project, as this is something I have never done before. I really liked this project because I felt like I learned so much regarding websites. I really think I will create my own web page when I become a teacher because it was so helpful having all of the classroom links and resources in one place. It was difficult at first using a new web platform, just figuring out how to design my pages and organize it, since there were so many tools. I will definitely make one for my classroom for the parents and students! Here is the link to my Web Page: https://msbarresi.weebly.com/ 

    I love Diigo! This is really an all-in-one platform. I love just being able to highlight and annotate on various websites and having them all be put in one place. I will definitely be using this in my classroom and have a classroom page where all the students can post their annotations and articles to share with each other. I also would love to recommend this to my co-workers so that we have a place to share tips and ideas with each other. This platform is also useful in my college classes when I have to do research papers and readings so that I can have all my collected information in one place. 

    I know that nowadays technology is one of the most important aspects of a classroom and finding new websites to make the classroom more efficient. I really think that all of the websites and tools that we have learned in this class is so important to incorporate into my classroom. To be a good teacher, new and creative ways to incorporate technology into the classroom to make students more willing to learn are very important. There is always something new about technology and keeping up with it is very hard. One way I have learned about new technology in the classroom is TikTok. Here, teachers have their own videos posting creative new technology for students to use. The teachers also demonstrate how to use it also!


  1. Hi Ashlyn, I took a look at your website and it is great! I love that I can see that you incorporated the CRAP principles we learned in class. For example, you successfully used the proximity principle in the about me page with your photo being near your short biography. Your alignment throughout the website is good and you also incorporated repetition with the font. If I had to make a suggestion, I would say to maybe chose another image for your home page and academic resources page to increase contrast.

  2. Hey Ashlyn I love your website! It is very aesthetically pleasing and I think it is good for the grade level you are planning on teaching! I really like it good job!

  3. Hello Ashlyn, I took a look at your website and noticed one thing you can fix. For instance the contrast on the first page is not that good. I would suggest using a different color for the font since the background is very bright. The repetition, alignment, and proximity are all perfec though.


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