Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Blog Post #6

      This was my first time using Diijo and I have never used an extension like this before. I really do like how I can highlight on websites and add my annotations. I am always wanting to highlight articles that I read on the web and now I can with Diijo. It was a little confusing at the beginning because I have never used an application like this. I love that I can share an article with the group and they can see what I highlighted and thought was interesting!

    So far I have really liked blogging and being able to post my thoughts on this class to share with everyone. I think that being able to blog about this class has helped me stay focused in the class and be able to go over what I have learned and keep track of everything. The blogging process has helped me to be able to write down my feelings and thoughts of this class. The only thing that I do not like about blogging is that sometimes I feel like I am repeating myself or I do not know how to fill a paragraph with what I want to say.

    There are many interesting Web 2.0 tools that I found during this lesson. I think that one of the ones I will incorporate when I teach will be TikTok. Even though this is a social media app, I think that using TikTok in the classroom is a great way to get the students connected to each other and is a fun way to do projects. TikTok is an app that most kids use now of days and I feel like students will want to do the projects on this app because they are comfortable with it. Here is a link to TikTok!

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