Friday, September 30, 2022

Blog Post #5

      This is my first time using Twitter and I have found it very beneficial. I have been keeping up to date on news stories and the weather, while also finding out what is new in education. I have followed the US Department of Education and also my hometown school district. This has been very helpful, especially because of hurricane Ian, that I found out that schools were closed and the latest updates on the returning back. Twitter and all of the accounts I follow have been keeping me informed! I will definitely be using Twitter when I become a teacher because I have found so many accounts from teachers in my field that post helpful tools and hints in the classroom. 

     There is definitely a huge "digital divide" in schools and in the classroom that hinder student success. Most of my classes have all of their assignments online and some of my classmates in high school did not have access to computers or internet so they ended up failing the classes. This strongly effected their future because they did not have the resources to succeed and move onto college, due to their grades. Some causes of the digital divide is due to income, students who come from poorer families may not be able to receive the technology that others do. This will effect my teaching strategies because if I know that someone in my class does not have access to the internet or a computer, I will print them the assignment and allow them time in class and before or after school to work on the assignment, if it cannot be printed. I will allow them to have extra time, so that it does not impede their grade. 

   I would definitely like my students to use Google Classroom. I think this is the best educational software because I can post my day to day agenda for the students to make sure they are aware of everything. I will also use this platform because I can post due dates for assignments and it will remind the students and keep them aware of what is coming up. I also want to use Socrative, because I think this will be an easy way to keep track of what my students know by giving them quick little quizzes. Also, this will be a fun tool for reviews and to introduce a topic and see what they already know. I have used both of these platforms throughout school and I think they are amazing at keeping me on track and showing me what I know or need to work on. These will be very useful to my students!

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