Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Blog Post #4

     The ELA Standard that I chose was the 11th-12th Grade LAFS.1112.W.3.8. In this standard, students are expected to know how to gather information and resources, digitally and on print. The students are supposed to know how to evaluate the sources to make sure that they are credible. Students are to be able to know the purpose, the audience, and the task of the sources. Students are supposed to be able to use online note taking apps, online plagiarism apps, and online citation creators. I feel like I am prepared to help the students achieve these goals because I had to meet these requirements as well in 11th and 12th grade and I am using these skills in college currently. These apps, such as EasyBib, are apps that I have continued to use pass high school, so I know it will be very important to teach my students how to use it.

    For CPALMS, I selected grade 11th and the standard ELA.11.C.1.3, which entails that students are supposed to be able to write literary analysis with logical reasoning and evidence from sources. Students are supposed to be able to identify literary elements or terms and demonstrate their knowledge by connecting the elements and how they are displayed in certain writings. The related resource for this is analyzing the rhetoric of JFK's Inaugural Address as a lesson plan. I will be able to use this in my classroom as an example of the different types of rhetorical methods there are and why the variation is important and effective. I would use this writing to do a guided reading with my class for practice on identifying different rhetorical strategies.

    Internet searching is very important to be a teacher because it can help teachers solve simple questions that they are looking for. It is important to know exactly what you want to find out, by typing in specific keywords. The skill I think will be most useful going forward is Google's advance search, because you can type in very specific key words and the websites that will show up will be more narrow to what you are looking for. I always have very specific ideas that I want to carry out, but searching on Google can be tiring because not every article that pops up is related to what I am looking for. With advanced search, you can type in related words you are trying to find, numbers, languages, sites (sites:), exact phrases (""), the exclusion of certain words (-). I will be showing my students this Google feature, because I feel like it will be really helpful when they are researching topics and resources for papers.  

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