Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Blog Post #3

     Copyright is a form of legal protection of someone's work, to make sure that others are not passing of unoriginal work as their own. Fair use is when there are exceptions to copyright and someone is allowed to use the copyrighted work without penalties. I plan to look over all of what is able to be used and what is not, so that I am respecting the laws of copyright and setting an example to my students. As a teacher, I would make sure that all of my own work is original, all of my power points and presentations. If I am requiring my students to read a book or a chapter from the textbook, I will make sure that they will all have their own copies or to check it out of the library. I plan to do most of my teaching face-to-face, so that I do not have to worry so much about copyright. For my students, I will make sure that they are well aware of the copyright laws of what is or is not legal. I will check each one of my students works to make sure they are free of copyright and they will have to use certain websites to check for this as well. 

    Academic dishonesty is one of the most important rules in school. Students are required to do their own work. In order to make sure students are being original with their work, I will have them submit their essays into Turnitin.com, a website that will show if students have plagiarized their work. Decreasing productivity is a major issue in almost all of America today. In order to keep my students active, I will create check in games during the beginning of class. To reward them with their hard-work, at the end of class, we will also do a closing game of review. Whom ever scores the highest will be able to receive either candy or extra credit!

    While working on my newsletter, I started to learn how to navigate MS Word. I learned how to make a banner or different graphics to add color or creativeness to an otherwise boring document. The skill that was most useful, was learning how to make columns. Now that I have figured out how to use MS Word, somewhat, I will be able to add more creativity and sections of color and pictures, as opposed to this time I mostly focused on figuring out the formatting. Learning on how to create a newsletter will help me in the future so that I know how to create welcoming looking documents for my students and be able to use different formats. The newsletter opened a new world of creativity up for my future classroom!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ashlynn! I really liked your newsletter, it looks very put together and like it all flows together. I enjoyed this assignment and got to understand MS Word a lot better too. I liked how you focused on the format of it and looks like you got it down really well. I hope you had a great semester!


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