Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Blog Post #9

     As a distance learner over COVID-19, the type of distance learning that we did was Emergency Remote Teaching. There was not much that I liked about being a distance learner, I did get to stay home and work from my bed, but that made me highly unproductive. I did like that I could do it from anywhere, I used to travel a lot after COVID so it was nice that I did not have to miss school. I did not like the fact that I was not being forced to pay attention in class and that my grades did not matter. I was constantly distracted and on my phone, I was doing anything but the lesson. Coming to college has been a big change, I am not used to this amount of rigorous work because I have not done schooling like this since before COVID. 

    Open educational resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that are under public domain and they have a creative commons license. Teachers can add these works into their lesson plans with no cost. OERs can save students money and they have been shared all around the world by teachers in order to create new opportunities for students and teachers.  Here is a list of resources that can fall under OER. On this website, it shows different OERs by subject, complete courses, open access books, multimedia, large repositories and images an artwork. It has hundreds of links to websites that teachers can use for all different grade levels. 

    On the past PowerPoint assignment, I learned a lot. This project was the first time that I used PowerPoint because, in the past, I have always used Google Slides. I learned how to work all of the different tools in PowerPoint, which I have always been scared to use before. I did not like how much time it took me to learn how to use PowerPoint, I was struggling for a few hours before I could make progress on my project. Now that I know how to use Smart-Art, different layouts, and animations, I feel like the next time I make a PowerPoint, it will go much quicker. 

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