Tuesday, August 30, 2022

About Me: Blog Post #1

     Hello, I am Ashlyn Barresi. I am a first year student at Florida State University, studying to become an English Education major. With this degree, I would like to teach at a high school level, maybe teach an AP class or two. I would also love to be able to teach one or two art classes at the same time. I am from West Palm Beach, Florida, and wold love to go back to be able to teach there in the future. Some more about me is that I am an avid reader and love classic movies. My favorite hobby is to read my book at the beach!

    I have used technology everywhere I have been, but mostly in the classroom. Usually I have used technology at school by being connected to my teachers and classmates through Google Classroom. This platform was where we found most of our work in high school and middle school. During COVID, all of our assignments were linked here and we would also partake in Google Meets. In school, we also used Google Slides a lot for presentations and for group projects, to connect us while we were doing virtual school. 

    My personal networks for the most part of growing up have been my teachers and the staff at the schools I have attended. I always would ask my teachers for advice on my school projects and for all life questions in general. When I have no one around, I often go to TikTok for advice and help in a certain situation. Yet, my most trustworthy personal network is my mother, who happens to be a teacher. She is always there guiding me about my classroom questions and providing me with real world advice. 

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